Jul 28, 2012

13 The King

From St Louis we went ahead to Memphis. We try to get up as early as possible, but we always drive 'til 10pm so we sleep 'til 9 or 10am. Then it's easy time til we find a store to get breakfast and some free internet to upload google maps to our tablet, because we don't have a garmin. So we drive with Maja looking at google maps (sometimes the gps signal recognizes us and we see where we are on map) and US road altas. We usually hit the road at 12am and drive on. We stop at interesting places like lakes to take a dip and we have a scenic highways and byways guide so we take those too.
We drove to Memphis directly to downtown Beale Street in front of the Elvis statue. Local street people welcomed and told us what to see. Gibson guitar factory, cafes, Hard Rock cafe, BB King bar, all the life is concentrated on that street. Then we went to see the SUN studio, where Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and also U2 recorded music. Final stop was Graceland, Elvis's home. That's a big piece of land in the city with a house and pool and they have also 2 horses there now. We didn't go on the tour but we walked along the road and went for a Elvis fried banana peanut-butter sandwich across the road, which is great. All the time we were listening to Elvis in our car.

Maja's fafourite
Beale street, I think New Orleans is similar to this street full of music, blues in the park,...
The SUN studio

Rockabilly stile dinner across the street of Graceland, the banana peanut butter sandwich
 Graceland entrance

We headed to Tupelo, the birthplace of Elvis, some 120 kilometers down south-east. The land and the nature here is beautiful. You can get a feeling you are driving to the sea. The landscape is getting horizontal and there are lots of colorful bushes with flowers, especially in Memphis. True city for a king.
Tupelo is a nice old town with lots of green. We arrived late and visited Elvis's birthplace in the morning. It's a humble little house just outside the main street. They were poor. When he was 3, they moved on. When he made some money with first music group he was singing in, he bought a house for his parents. Elvis was the only child, his twin brother died at birth. When he came back to Tupelo after many years for a concert he did, the land and his birth house was for sale. He agreed to donate money, if the government would buy it and build it into a park. In the park are also a neighborhood church they moved two blocks and a museum. It's nice to see what kind of environment Elvis grew up from.

 Presley's house in Tupelo

With Elvis on board we drove on to Houston Texas. We took the Natchez Trace Parkway, some 350 km down to Natchez to see the Mighty Mississippi. It's lime driving through a park. There are trees all along the road and trimmed grass. Just beautiful. When we arrived in Baton Rouge, the capitol of Louisiana, we figured Houston is still a long drive away and went for a steak and hit the bed.

 Natchez Trace Parkway.
hurricane 2011 
 house in a french village
 Natchez Trace Parkway all the way
Natchez Mississippi view 
Mighty Mississippi 
 Old Steamer
Smith-Bontura-Evens House (107 Broadway St.) is the home of Robert Smith, a free African American who operated a carriage business in Natchez. The substantial Greek Revival townhouse testifies to the business success of Smith in Natchez, where almost half of the state's free African American population resided in the last decades before the Civil War. 
It is so good to bee free, without a telephone and to have only freedom and the road on my mind. With my baby beside me.

Jul 25, 2012

12 My kind of town

Chicago me je ocaral. Mestno jedro je napolnjeno z barvami - oblek, avtomobilov, stavb in ljudi. Vec kot 60% prebivalcev predstavljajo Afroamericani in Hispani. V nekaterih predleih mesta sem imela obcutek, da sva kje drugje, ne na severu ZDA. Z mosticki in mostovi, zelenimi oazami, veliko ponudbo glasbenih spektaklov in koncertov, z neskoncno obalo in plazo, je mesto prijeten kraj za bivanje. Res pa je, da je precej bolj zahtevno od New Yorka. Malenkost bolj se je treba potruditi, da najdes, kar isces. 
Midva sva nasla skromen hostel na vrhu Chicaga, priljubljeno pizzerijo, kjer sva pojedla deep dish (globoka posoda) pico - razlika je samo v tem, da ima ta pica veliko vec testa. Kozarec vina sva si privoscila v Green Millu, baru, kamor je zahajal tudi zloglasni Al Capone. 

Veliko Americanov ne mara obiskovati Chicaga zaradi njegove slave po kriminalu. Niti slutila ga nisva. Mogoce nekje dalec na jugu, enako kot v New Yorku globoki Brooklyn ali obcasnoHarlem.
Naslednji dan sva se vozila, iskala parking. cene so okrog 40 do 60 dolarjev na dan. Malenkost ven iz centra pa sva nasla za 14$. Potem pa ves dan gor dol, sem tja, levo desno.... Z ladjico sva se zapeljala cez mesto, da sva bobila vtis in si ogledala mesto tudi z jezera Michingan. Od tam se odpira pogled na celotno velicino mesta. Razlocno se vidi vse velikosti stavbe. Vodic je razlagal o visini stavb, o znanih osebnostih, ki zivijo v Chicagu, o pozaru, ki je pred mnogo leti unicil center mesta itd. Nameravala sva se na Willis tower (bivsi Sears, vendar je Willis kupil 4 stuke ter doplacal toliko, da je lahko kupil se ime). Nisva sla gor. Raje sva se odpravila na plazo. Jezero je ravno prav toplo, mivka, vroc vecer... Tekla sem ob obali in se na koncu osvezila v jezeru. Prijeten zakljucek dneva :)

Vceraj sva se vozila po zgodovinski cesti Route 66. Luka se je lepo pripravil in uredil vmesne postanke na nekaterih znamenitostih ceste. Sicer je vecina originalne ceste ze prekrita z novimi interstate avtocestami, nekateri odseki pa se vedno zivijo svojo zgodovino. Tako je bilo ze v baru Old Log Cabin - kot da bi vstopila v leto 1950 ;) Na poti sva kupila se zloglasni javorjev sirup, ki naj bi bil tu najboljsi. V vecini hotelov, kjer je zajtrk vkljucen v ceno, to pomeni, da si zjutraj sam pripravis palacinke ali vaflje. In kaj bolj pase zraven, kot pa javorjev sirup;) Ustavila sva se v Saint Louisu. Mestece ni veliko, ima pa vse, kar imajo veliki: izjemen spomenik - lok, ki se razteza cez nebo, univerze, ponuja voznjo z ladjico, helikopterjem, kar ces! V Saint Lousu sva sla se na sladoled, ki je tudi ena od znamenitosti mesta. Ko se peljes mimo, se enostavno moras ustavit. In ko pojes njihov sladoled, tudi ves zakaj :)
Danes naju caka Elvis! Juhu!

11 Chicago, Chicago, I'll show you around

Bet a million dollar you'd find your way in Chicago...
all that jazz, architecture, the beach, the food, the city. Chicago is old school. You drive outside the loop and you find yourself in backside streets, parking lots, old abandoned warehouses. It's the 1920s kept. You gonna love the easygoing streets. Here music, gangs and prohibition thrived. The spirit is alive. Full of jazz clubs, old signs and Italian Pizza places. Deep dish Chicago pizza is one of the best pizza. Tey got the beach Man, the one reason you move to Chicago. Windy city.

 deep dish pizza
 Wrigley building

 Trump International Tower
 Sears Tower
 Corn middle building

 24 karat gold leaf Champagne building

 Sears Tower (tallest in America)

 Route 66

 St. Louis

Drewes Concrete ice cream


Chicago Route 66, now the real way begins. Memphis here we come. I feel like the trip just started.

I've been thinking 'bout the car. It's not the old american classic and I could get a Camaro for 300 extra. Maybe I'll rent one for a day or two.

The food man. These Chinese buffets are cool. Ton of food for 8 bucks. Ton of desserts too. Buffet means you buy one price, you eat your empty stomach away. Fast food is everywhere.